Generic custom element mixin
The withContext
class mixin exported in the root namespace, implements an API similar to DOM observedAttributes
This mixin can be used in any custom element / web component regardless of library / framework.
Providing a context
Contexts are provided in an custom element through static providedContexts
field where the key is the context name and value holds a configuration object. The configuration can have a value
property defining the default context value or a property
one defining from what component property the context will retrieve its value.
The updateContext
method updates the context value. It accepts the context name / id as first argument and value as second. If it was configured to read the value from a property the second argument should be omitted.
import { withContext } from 'wc-context/mixin.js'
class Provider extends withContext(HTMLElement) {
static providedContexts = {
theme: { value: 'blue' },
title: 'activeTitle', // shorthand for { property: 'activeTitle' }
get activeTitle() {
return this._activeTitle
set activeTitle(value) {
this._activeTitle = value
toggleTheme() {
this.updateContext('theme', 'newtheme')
toggleTitle() {
this.activeTitle = 'New title'
import { withContext } from 'wc-context/mixin.js'
class Provider extends withContext(HTMLElement) {
static providedContexts = {
theme: { value: 'blue' },
title: 'activeTitle', // shorthand for { property: 'activeTitle' }
get activeTitle() {
return this._activeTitle
set activeTitle(value) {
this._activeTitle = value
toggleTheme() {
this.updateContext('theme', 'newtheme')
toggleTitle() {
this.activeTitle = 'New title'
Consuming a context
To consume a context, is necessary to define a static property observedContexts
with an array of context names / ids.
When a observed context value changes, the contextChangedCallback
is called with arguments context (name or id), oldValue, newValue
Optionally is possible to define the observed context with an array where the first item is the context name / id and the second a property name to be updated with the context value each time a context change occurs
When overriding
is necessary to call the respective super methods.
import { withContext } from 'wc-context/mixin.js'
class Consumer extends withContext(HTMLElement) {
static observedContexts = ['theme', ['title', 'titleProp']]
contextChangedCallback(name, oldValue, value) {
console.log(`theme changed from "${oldValue}" to "${value}"`)
// updates el accordingly
get titleProp() {
return this._titleProp
set titleProp(value) {
// this setter is called when theme context changes
this._titleProp = value
connectedCallback() {
this.innerHTML = `<div>Theme is ${this.theme}, title is ${this.titleProp}</div>`
import { withContext } from 'wc-context/mixin.js'
class Consumer extends withContext(HTMLElement) {
static observedContexts = ['theme', ['title', 'titleProp']]
contextChangedCallback(name, oldValue, value) {
console.log(`theme changed from "${oldValue}" to "${value}"`)
// updates el accordingly
get titleProp() {
return this._titleProp
set titleProp(value) {
// this setter is called when theme context changes
this._titleProp = value
connectedCallback() {
this.innerHTML = `<div>Theme is ${this.theme}, title is ${this.titleProp}</div>`