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Core (low level) API

The low level functions are exported in wc-context and can be used to handle specific cases or create a new interface / integration, like the one for storybook.

For example, is possible to provide a context in body element to be consumed anywhere in the page.

import { registerContext, updateContext } from 'wc-context'

registerContext(document.body, 'theme', 'light')

document.querySelector('#theme-toggle-button').addEventListener('click', () => {
  updateContext(document.body, 'theme', 'dark')
import { registerContext, updateContext } from 'wc-context'

registerContext(document.body, 'theme', 'light')

document.querySelector('#theme-toggle-button').addEventListener('click', () => {
  updateContext(document.body, 'theme', 'dark')

TBD: properly document the functions, how to customize setting / getting context values

Released under the MIT License.